MIUI Gingerbread 2.3.7
hello im will discuss about MIUI Gingerbread 2.3.7 !!
This ROM based on Mebitek cm7 and thanks for mebitek
Thanks to:
- Cyanogenmod Team
- MIUI Team
- Team Mac
- MingYue for fixing battery icon
- Ajrty33
- mebitek
- Marinake
- etc...
Beta1: http://mir.cr/7QJWHX22
- To make themes is work, create "theme" folder at /data/system/
- if you apply the mdpi or etc lockscreen,, you can long press the back button and vol
up button to close the lockscreenChangelog:
- Fix Bluetooth
- Can install app like operamini, etc
- resize icon
- change clock
- ......
source : xda-developers